Bite Counter Keep An Eye On What You Eat!

Bite Counter

Researchers from University of South Carolina invented a Bite Counter which keeps an eye on whatever you eat. It not only keeps the record of how many number of bites you have taken but also give buzzer on over eating and hence helps you to keep you healthy with balanced diet.

Bite Counter

The idea of Bite Counter works on the basis of your wrist-roll motion, it also capable to differentiate between bite of food and liquid. This is not enough, a USB port is provided with the counter so that it can connect easily via computer and transfer all the data of your eating history. In this way you can analyze your eating habit and hence make a perfect diet plan to make you fit and healthy. It can store data for whole day for that you need to turn the counter on before eating and then pause afterwards.
The Bite Counter battery works fine for 14 hours after full charge

This amazing medical device is designed like a wrist watch and is priced at $799 which looks quite expensive but to keep your healthy and remain fit for life time hopefully this onetime cost would not be an extra burden on your budget.

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